Happy new year!

I belonged in Judo club at high school. I got black belt!!
So, I talk on Judo life...
Judo practitioners traditionally wear white uniforms called "Judogi".
feel uplifted when I wear Judogi.

~starting practice~
Practiced "Ukemi"(Japanese) the "tatami" when you finish the exercise.
the beginner have to practice left side and right side.
next, I practiced technique. The name is "Tai otoshi" this technique is easy for biggner.
the basic style is left hand grasp someone's sleeve, right hand grasp cuff.
http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=CFWQjmR9aEk&NR=1the beginner have to practice left side and right side.
next, I practiced technique. The name is "Tai otoshi" this technique is easy for biggner.
the basic style is left hand grasp someone's sleeve, right hand grasp cuff.
the knee is used!
In the step of one,two,three.
one - right leg go to center of other party's foot.
two - arrange a left foot to the right leg.
three - right leg extends it straight.
at first,I feel difficult. but, I can throw other person, it becomes pleasure.
I participated in the competition for three years.
competition time is until 3minutes.
I feel the 3minutes was very long and hard time .
However, I like between these.
If you like Judo. let's try it!!!
You can feel Japanese sprit!!! maybe..!
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